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To make it easy for you to give electronically through the Internet, using a credit card, we wanted to find an easy and effective way to make this possible using every safety precaution to protect your privacy.


Please enter your tithe amount. The tithe is the first 10% of the income that God has blessed you with. We believe and have faith in God's word regarding giving and the benefits of giving cheerfully as unto the Lord.


Please enter your Offering amountAfter the tithe, God has made provisions for those who can, to give freewill offerings. These offerings are given in a spirit of love and the desire of God to use the giver to be a blessing to others.


Please enter your amount for Benevolence fund to help those in need. These funds are giving to the needy at the discretion of the church pastor and leaders. The Apostle Paul said to always remember the poor, the widows and the orphans.


Please enter your amount for the building and Maintenance fund. These funds go for the maintenance and upkeep of the Words of Life Buildings and makes future improvements possible.


Please enter your missions giving amount. We believe and have faith in God's word that says, "Go into all the world and preach this good news to all nations". These funds support missionaries, missionary organizations, and expenses incurred preach to gospel to others outside of the walls of the church.
